Note: We will provide iOS App Ratings for US Appstore automatically after you have placed an order on the web. If you would like to buy iOS App Ratings for non-US Appstore such as: UK, CA, AU, DE, JP, TW, FR, IT, RU, etc. Please contact us here.
If you cannot find the suitable package for your app, please contact us here. Thank you!
Why should you buy iOS app ratings?
With over 2.2 million apps in the iOS Appstore, getting your app discovered is one of the biggest issues facing mobile app developers today. If you are in mobile app space, it’s important to understand the various methods for marketing your app. We would like to share with you one very important way to make your app popular that continues to be overlooked by most - buying iOS app installs. iOS app ratings have been proved to be a handy tool when it comes to marketing and promotion your mobile application. Appstore search algorithms insist that app with a low number of iOS ratings never appears in top results, the Appstore will rank apps by how often they have been downloaded and how often they have been downloaded recently. Especially it is important for those developers who are going to post their first program in the app market. Developers can buy ratings on iOS and increase your app’s popularity. Moreover, when the number of app users increase, your sales will increase certainly.
Benefits from buying iOS app ratings:
1. Increase your app ranking
2. Increase your app’s popularity
3. Increase your sales
How we work?
After receiving your order, we will send your app to our app users all over the world to download and hence will play and rate the app. The app users will keep your app at least one week or even more if your app is interesting enough. That means not only your app’s installs will increase but also the playtime ( the time users spend on your app), an important factor to boost your app rank on the Appstore. After we have completed your order, we will send you a message to confirm it. If there is anything wrong, please feel free contact us and we will fix it as soon as we can.
Our articles related to Buy iOS App Ratings/ Buy App Store Ratings:
Market demand of App Store Review
A review is an evaluation of product and service publication. As all we know, app ratings and ratings have positive impacts on the app ranking in app stores. Thus, having more ratings for your app can improve your app ratings. It is a simple and the trendiest way of advertising. It is a fact that whenever there are some positive ratings and higher rating for a product, then it is widely accepted in the market.
The review stands for something positive in the product and that they have seen something unique in this product which usually remains missing from other competing apps. Depending upon the demand or acceptance of such ratings and ratings of the products, there are various app review services on the internet that offer such ratings at a price and people buy app store ratings so as to gain acceptance for their app. That’s good news for all the app makers out there as you can make your app climb up the top of search engines with the paid ratings.
Why do you need to buy App store ratings?
Before looking into the never-ending benefits of this style of marketing campaign, it’s important to highlight some of the most important considerations when selecting a review agency. Some product image falls down due to some negatives or false ratings. This is understandable as they naturally want to support the integrity of their ratings system. However who is responsible to decide what a fair review is?
A product seeks out and actively removes blatantly false ratings. These are easy to spot and in some cases apps have fallen from 20k+ ratings to less than a fifth of that figure – with predictable consequences for their ranking position. This is why it’s essential to use a review agency that uses multiple people from all over the world. Mixed IP addresses are vital to protect ratings from being removed, as too is a mix of scores.
Expect Faster Results and Enhanced Revenue
When an App is released and you buy app store ratings, it’s crucial to gain exposure right away. Obviously it helps if the app is excellent at what it does, but it’s much easier to promote a new product as compared to the one which has been low ranked on the market for a long time. The best way developers can do this is to buy app store ratings. As an early initial push to gain interest it’s a small investment which can pay for itself very swiftly. Remember that after this early rise through the ranks other users will download and ratings that app.
Role of the IOS App Review
As we know that software and applications are very important in our life same as ratings are also very important in the current scenario. First of all, these actions attract attention of other people because everyone nowadays is curious about ratings. Think of your own, what will happen if you are looking out for a good app and find positive IOS app store ratings on its page on app market or official website? You get curious about the app. Here does the conclusion appear. High app rating and positive feedback attract people and drive more traffic. However, this kind of promotion does not have the direct target; it will play a useful part in search optimization. It happens because in their comments people tend to use keywords. That’s why you cannot help but buy IOS App ratings.
Decent Average Rating
What will you prefer when a hotel has 3 or 5 stars? If you are not short of money or both apartments cost the same price you will definitely choose the room with 5 stars. The same happens with apps rating. Customers get the idea that that opinions of thousands people from IOS ratings can help them. The reason is simple, how can so many people be wrong? Besides, App Store and Google Play have special scripts that range apps depending on their rating and buy IOS ratings. In this case, software with a higher rank will be in the top of search results. Increasing your rating, you acquire users’ approval and positive thoughts about your app; try to earn as more comments as you can. And you’ll never be wrong if you buy IOS ratings.
Role of the IOS App Review
So all the mobile developers try to do their best to create excellent applications and promote them. There are several ways you can gain it: use advertisement, write blogs, and create amazing apps. But you can't miss such thing as IOS ratings and comments. These kinds of users' behavior can play a great role in the success of your app.
Reasons to Buy Ratings
IOS app ratings are another good way to increase the level of your app recognition. Every product looks more reliable and attractive in case it has a strong users’ feedback. They come as a handy tool and a part of a huge mobile app marketing strategy. Every time you want to build a strong brand for your startup, you should make users review app IOS, leave comments and testimonials. On the other hand, it is hard to enable an efficient feedback for a newly launched product.
Various ad networks and companies offer a good solution to this problem. Here you may buy an app store review. The best bet is to purchase real ratings that feature detailed guides, descriptions and opinions on various issues related to your product. Fake ratings may result in poor reputation as well as some pitfalls when it comes to SEO. There are many experts in the market that will lend you a hand every time you need to review IOS app at the most affordable prices.
Overview on IOS ratings
IOS is created and developed by Apple Inc. it is a mobile operating system exclusively for its hardware. It is the operating system that presently powers most of the company's mobile devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. It is on the second number of most popular mobile operating system globally after Android.
There are many advantages of the app ratings. They are as follows:
1. After the app is downloaded and installed by the users, they themselves post honest experiences and feedback about them to the developer. The ratings make help to developer for learning about the various issues and shortcomings of the app instantly.
2. The developer also gets valuable suggestions from the users so as to plan the next action regarding the app as to how to really improve it.
3. One big advantage is that the more ratings the app get, the more chances it has to be seen by more people. That is the number of ratings about the app determines the future status of the app as how much it will be advertised in the play store.
4. With the help of ratings the developer directly involved with the users of the app and the developer also feels a sense of achievement, contentment, reward, and encouragement after reading especially the positive ratings.
5. Sometimes the developer is the route taken from the paid ratings, as in other words, android ratings are also buying from the developer.
6. Sometimes particular person, mostly an expert invited by developer for writing detailed ratings about the app.
7. Ratings writing are mostly done by the external website publisher. Almost all the ratings are undoubtedly written positively about the app and that happens mostly because of the monetary benefits the reviewer gets from the developer.
8. To buy IOS app ratings can be an option sometimes on the app page on the play store. Here the ratings are mostly short ones, in one to three lines. But the numbers vary, the more of them, the better it is for the app. These can be written even by the general users, not necessarily by any expert. Here too, the review writers have some monetary benefits, although that is less as compared to the expert in the above point.
9. These app review help to increase the number of downloads of the app, again, the more the ratings, especially the positive ones, the more downloads will be of the app. In turn, getting more revenue to the developer and enhancing the reputation.
10. Not just to the developers, buying IOS app ratings is also useful to the users. They get desired improvements to the app because of the ratings.
11. The review section is the best one for the users to express themselves about the app, whether it is positive or negative, or anything else.
12. The developer obviously tells only the good and positive things about the app on the app page. But it is the ratings section which gives the true picture about the app to the new and potential users.
Importance of Apps rating
Buying ratings will enable you get the best IOS ratings and ratings. Most of them are usually positive and contain positive comments from users. Some people go with positive ratings and some go with the negative ones depending upon how well the app has served them. For this reason, people who are looking for apps will be able to decide whether the app is worth downloading or not. Buying ratings does the opposite. It gets the app better ratings, thus making the app successful.
Ranking Is Based On Ratings
Apps are ranked based on the ratings. Those with high ratings as reviewed by users appear at the top. This is why you are advised to buy IOS ratings. They will help to promote apps in the app store in the most effective way. Users are more likely to download apps with high ratings than those with low ratings. In addition, highly rated apps are usually returned to the top ranks when searched by search engines. Most IOS ratings are trustworthy and people buy IOS app ratings. They usually reflect the truth. They are not like some fake ratings that are written with the aim of promoting a particular product to encourage a sale. Today users need honest ratings. It is a fact that IOS apps have established a good reputation. This is why their ratings are worth trusting. Buying them is a wise decision.
Also, number of downloads of particular app tell a lot about the app. Some IOS ratings show the number of downloads. This information is very important because it tells a person, whether a particular app is loved by many people or not. For example, if the app has over 1 million downloads and likes, it is very clear that it is in demand and it is a good app that meets the needs of many people. That is why it has many downloads. Nobody wants to download an app with poor functionality. So it is better to buy IOS app ratings that will promote apps in your app store.
There are some important questions about the IOS rating and ratings
Yes, our ratings are absolutely safe. We only provide iOS/ App Store Ratings from real users with active accounts. we ensure no bots used at all.
Yes, you can modify the number of ratings a day or the number of days for the process. Please send us an email at or Skype:
Forever! Our ratings are stable and won't be deleted by the App Store. We do have guarantee against deletion so in case there's a deleted review, please send us an email and we will replace another review.
Apple takes about 24-48 hours to check the iOS app ratings so the iOS app ratings will be live on the App Store after 48 hours we post them.
Disclamer: We cannot guarantee that all ratings are positive because it's totally up to the users. The users will try your app and provide their genuine reviews. But in case all of them want to give your app negative ratings, we will let you know the reasons behind that in advance so that you can fix your app and improve the quality to get positive ratings.
Keyword: buy ios app ratings, buy ios app ratings